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“Peek a Boo” – Wild – Sulphur Crested Cockatoos – Canberra
$ 0.00 – $ 295.00 Select options -
Black Stallion
$ 0.00 – $ 95.00 Select options -
Introduction :
Please check out the Jousting Photos in the Abbey Medieval Festival Portfolio.
The images of the horses and the Knights on Horseback were all taken using the Olympus M.Zuiko 40-150mm f2.8 Pro Zoom Lens with the 1.4x Teleconverter attached.
With this combination the lens has a Max aperture of f4 and a total reach of 210mm. I thought they turned out reasonably well….
I’ll write up full appraisal of this lens when I’ve played around with it a bit more. But so far I’m impressed and feel it was worth the $1500.00 plus price tag.
This is seriously Good Glass…!!!
Platypus Paparazzi Photography
Resolution :
Matched with the EM1 MII Body and in bright sunshine the 40-150mm Pro Zuiko 2.8 shows it’s true colours with very sharp renderings in reasonably high detail onto the Flagships latest 20 MegaPixel Live Mos Sensor.

Features :
The Olympus M.Zuiko 40-150mm f2.8 Pro Zoom is a serious piece of equipment. It is water, dust and freeze proof when used with a similar weather proof body and comprises all metal components (with the exception of the lens hood).
This metal construction gives the lens a heavy, solid feel and you know from the moment you hold it you have a serious lens in your hands.
The lens performs nearly as well as it feels rendering sharp images onto the micro four thirds sensor of the body it’s matched with.
Image Quality :
The Jousting images were taken with the 40-150mm f2.8 Pro Zoom lens with the 1.4 tele-converter (attached to an Olympus OM-D EM-5 body) and edited with Photoshop Elements 12 from the RAW output files.
The images have had some noise reduction and additional sharpening applied however the RAW files produced with this lens are usually sharp and reasonably crisp. The edited files are even better but would not be as sharp with a lesser quality lens.

The Olympus M.Zuiko 40-150mm f2.8 Pro Zoom comes with a sturdy lens bag, retractable lens hood and the 1.4x Teleconverter (optional). The lens also features a manual clutch ring for rapid manual focus engagement.

This lens sports a Max aperture of f2.8 throughout the focal range providing plenty of light when required with sharp renderings at full focal length and max aperture settings.