Targa Tasmania – Stanley – 2017 – Photo Charity Fundraiser (Extended – 30th June – 2019)


Since - 17 June 2017

Where is Stanley – Tasmania ?

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Please use the CODES below at Checkout to Activate % discounts for purchases from the Targa Charity Photo Fundraiser Gallery
All Vouchers Expire on the 30th June 2019

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Code : targa201710%

Targa Tasmania – 2017 – 10% Discount on Total Cart Value of $50.00 and Over (Max spend $149.99) for Downloads from the Targa Gallery.
Voucher Expires on the 30th June 2019

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I was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time when the Targa Tasmania Rally cars were driving past Highfield House on the bend overlooking the Nut in Stanley, Tasmania recently.
I was even luckier to take the photo’s I managed to on the spur of the moment.
Thanks so much to all the drivers who were great sports and allowed me to take their portraits with the Stanley Nut in the background and to all who waved from their cars as well. You all certainly made my day along with many other avid car enthusiasts in and around Tasmania.
I hope you all enjoy these photos.
Every photo in this gallery is for sale as a digital download in a number of  resolutions and formats.
Clicking the Camera Icon will open a larger view of the image.
The Shopping Cart Icon links to the items product page where you can select from the various photo options and licences available.
The Targa Tasmania Fundraiser ended on the 31st March 2018 after running for nearly a year and the $250 generated from the Project was presented to the Lions Club of Rocky Cape in North West Tasmania at their monthly meeting at the Rocky Cape Tavern on the 26th of March 2018 while I was visiting Tasmania recently. The funds generated will assist the Lions Club of Rocky Cape with their special needs projects here on the North West Coast of Tasmania.
The Lions Clubs do some great work around Australia so it was great to have been part of this worthy cause and a big thank you to everyone who participated in this project.


The Team @ Platypus Paparazzi Photography

Charity Fundraiser Extension – 30th June – 2019

Hey Everyone, to celebrate the release of the Stanley 2019 Targa Portfolio and having spoken to a few more Targa Drivers this year I have re-opened the 2017 Targa Charity Portfolio. All Proceeds from this Portfolio up to the 30th of June 2019 will be Donated to the Lyons Club Of Rocky Cape. Would be Great to have another Cheque to donate at the beginning of the New Financial Year…!!! Cheers

Targa Tasmania - Stanley - 2017

Platypus Paparazzi Photography

Targa Charity Fundraiser ENDS in :


Targa Tasmania – Stanley – 2017 – Photo Galleries :

Funds Raised

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"Kermandie" - "Mascot"


Code : targa201725%

Targa Tasmania – 2017 – 25% Discount on Total Cart Value of $150.00 and Over (Max spend $299.99) for Downloads from the Targa Gallery.
Voucher Expires on the 30th June 2019


Code : targa201750%

Targa Tasmania – 2017 – 50% Discount on Total Cart Value of $300.00 and Over (Max spend $Unlimited) for Downloads from the Targa Gallery.
Voucher Expires on the 30th June 2019

Wild Platypus Series

"Kermandie" - "Mascot"

The Targa Tasmania Photo Fundraiser is now Officially Closed.

The Targa Tasmania Photo Fundraiser is now officially closed. I would again like to thank everyone who participated in this project and particularly the Targa Drivers and Coordinators who made this event possible.

Images from the Targa Tasmania Gallery can still be purchased from the gallery below.


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Visitors - Since - 17 June 2017

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