Must See Events in Tasmania
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Ulverstone Rodeo – National Rodeo Association – Event – 2019
On Saturday the 2nd of February – 2019, the Australian National Rodeo Association hosted the Ulverstone Rodeo at the Batten Park Rodeo Grounds in Ulverstone, Tasmania.
The event attracted a large crowd of around 2000 people who were entertained by the thrills and spills of the acrobats and gymnasts upon their trusty steeds.
Some fantastic horsemen and women demonstrated their sklll and artistry in negotiating the demanding challenges set out before them
I was fortunate enough to photograph this spectacular event with my trusty EM1 MKII at hand. I hope you enjoy these few images from the day.
Please remember all images are available for sale so if there is any particular image or group of images you would like please let me know and I will endeavour to make them available through the digital download section for this portfolio.
The Team @ Platypus Paparazzi Photography
Where is Ulverstone ?
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Rodeo Ciruit